Wednesday, October 28, 2009

A change of pace.....

A couple of things on the agenda today:

- Why do people with expensive cars that are advertised for their sportiness or speed always go slow a fuck when driving. I have seen a 29 year old in a bmw get blown away by a 60 year old in a caddie. For fuck sakes and it always happens that when they get in front of me they slow down to a crawl. This also links to a larger problem I have with drivers in my town, but ill save that for another day.

-Maybe this is a mainly midwest thing, but buffet manners are diminishing at a alarming rate! Here is a primer:
1. When entering a buffet the progression of the line starts at the side dishes and ends at the salad bar (lets face it you dont got to a midwest buffet for salad.)
2. For the love of fuck do not go counter to the progression of the line, I for one will not move around you, I will force the issue and you will move.
3. Do not cut directly in front of some one else, its fucking rude, get to the back of the line. If it is a item that is in a area devoid of other patrons then feel free.
4. Dont hold up the line for any reason other than serving yourself, this includes: Waiting for the servers to refill a dish, leave it and come back unless they are dropping it right there, being cute and letting your kids make a "choice", guess what if they cant hod their plate yet they dont get a vote.
5. Please show some restraint when grabbing food, dont sprinkle the entire area with cheese just because you are a spaz.
6. Dont leave your plate at one end of the buffet, to run and get another item, take the plate and lose your place.

Follow the above rules and all you can eat will be alright, flaunt the rules and prepare to have a fat man rushing you and forcing you out of line.